Release 5.7.2 | Introducing VaultSpeed’s Beta Support… | VaultSpeed

Release 5.7.2 | Introducing VaultSpeed’s Beta Support for Microsoft Fabric

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Jonas De Keuster VP Product Marketing
Release 5 7 2 Microsoft Fabric Image

In today’s fast-paced data-driven world, the ability to seamlessly manage and deploy data workflows across various platforms is critical for organizations striving for efficiency and agility. VaultSpeed is excited to announce a significant enhancement to our platform: beta support for Microsoft Fabric as a target database technology. This new feature is designed to empower our users with even more flexibility and control, expanding the range of database technologies that VaultSpeed can integrate with.

With this release, VaultSpeed users can now generate and deploy Data Definition Language (DDL), Tranformation code, and orchestration code directly to Microsoft Fabric environments.

Expanding Horizons: Why Microsoft Fabric?

Microsoft Fabric is a cutting-edge data platform that is quickly gaining traction in the enterprise world for its robust capabilities in handling complex data workflows. By extending support to Microsoft Fabric, VaultSpeed is not only broadening its compatibility with leading database technologies but also providing our users with the tools they need to stay ahead in a competitive landscape.

The integration with Microsoft Fabric represents a strategic move for VaultSpeed, aligning with our commitment to offering versatile and scalable data management solutions. As organizations increasingly adopt Microsoft Fabric for its flexibility and powerful data processing features, VaultSpeed’s new support ensures that our users can continue to rely on us for seamless data platform management, no matter the environment.

Key Features of the VaultSpeed and Microsoft Fabric Integration

Automatic Deployment to Microsoft Fabric

One of the most exciting aspects of this release is the ability to deploy both DDL and transformation code directly to Microsoft Fabric using the VaultSpeed agent. This capability allows for seamless management of data workflows within Fabric environments, ensuring that your data pipelines are both efficient and reliable.

By leveraging the VaultSpeed agent, users can now automate the generation and deployment of critical database components in Microsoft Fabric, significantly reducing the time and effort required to manage complex data workflows. This feature not only enhances productivity but also ensures that your data infrastructure remains agile and responsive to changing business needs

Increased Flexibility and Versatility

With the addition of Microsoft Fabric support, VaultSpeed is now more versatile than ever. Our platform’s ability to integrate with a wide range of database technologies means that you can tailor your data management strategy to best suit your organization’s unique needs.

Whether you’re working in a multi-cloud environment or managing hybrid data infrastructures, VaultSpeed’s support for Microsoft Fabric provides the flexibility you need to optimize your data workflows. This expanded compatibility ensures that VaultSpeed remains a valuable tool for organizations of all sizes, regardless of their data platform preferences.

Flexibility and versatility

Beta Limitations to Keep in Mind

While the new Microsoft Fabric support in VaultSpeed opens up exciting possibilities, it’s important to be aware of a few limitations that come with this beta release.

Manual Scheduling Required

At this time, Microsoft Fabric does not support the automatic creation of schedules for incremental flows. This means that users must manually create these schedules within the Fabric interface to run their incremental flows at the desired frequency.

Manual Authentication Steps

Additional manual steps are required for the VaultSpeed agent to connect to Microsoft Fabric. Users will need to manually configure authentication settings, which involves obtaining an access token from the Fabric workspace and setting up the agent connection with the necessary details, such as the Fabric URL, username, password, and Workspace ID.

While these steps are relatively straightforward, they do require careful attention to detail to ensure successful integration. We’re confident that these processes will be streamlined in future updates as Microsoft continues to enhance its Fabric platform.

No Support for Harvesting Foreign Keys

At this time, Microsoft Fabric does not support the harvesting of foreign keys from the source database. This limitation stems from a restriction in the Microsoft JDBC driver, which currently lacks the capability to retrieve foreign key information. Users relying on foreign key constraints for their data models will need to account for this limitation in their workflow planning.

Incremental Loads of Point-In-Time (PIT) Tables Not Supported

Another important limitation is the lack of support for incremental loads of Point-In-Time (PIT) tables in Microsoft Fabric. This means that users cannot perform incremental updates to PIT tables within the Fabric environment, which may impact workflows that rely on these tables for historical data tracking and other advanced data operations.

Looking Ahead: What’s Next for VaultSpeed and Microsoft Fabric?

The introduction of this beta support for Microsoft Fabric support is just the beginning of what we have planned. As we continue to enhance our platform, we are committed to expanding our capabilities and providing our users with the tools they need to succeed in an increasingly complex data landscape.

In the near future, we aim to address the current limitations, such as the need for manual scheduling and authentication, as well as expanding support to harvest more metadata from Microsoft Fabric. We are closely monitoring the development of Microsoft Fabric and working to ensure that VaultSpeed remains at the forefront of data automation technology.

As always, we encourage you to explore this new capability and provide us with your feedback. Together, we can continue to drive innovation and excellence in data management.

Stay tuned for more updates.