Data Automation Training | VaultSpeed

VaultSpeed training

Courses with experts to help you build Data Vault automation skills.

Free online courses

Vault Speed Training5

Hands-on demo: From Zero to Data Vault in 2 hours

  • Get hands-on experience in setting up a Data Vault in just 2 hours with the help of VaultSpeed automation.

  • Set up automation for your unique tech stack by simply defining parameters.

  • Automate the generation of ETL, DDL, and workflow code with ease.

Vault Speed Training3

Hands-on demo: From Data Vault to repeatable business logic in 1 hour

  • Automate company-specific calculations across dashboards and reports, regardless of the underlying physical data model.

  • Practice creating business templates that automate your custom logic.

  • A code preview allows you to copy template code and test it before deployment.

Paid online courses

Vault Speed Training2

Product Training

  • 4 days of training to master no-code Data Vault automation

  • Delve into all aspects of loading logic source analysis & raw data & business vault configuration

  • Participate in exercises to make automation work for your specific data and technology stack

Vault Speed Training4

VaultSpeed Studio Training

  • Learn the powerful VaultSpeed template language

  • Build, test and implement custom templates to generate any business logic required

  • Create custom signature attributes

Looking for our Partner Sales Training?

We also regularly schedule training sessions for our partners to get up them up to speed with our processes and contracts, value proposition, and much more.

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