LEUVEN, BELGIUM, March 13, 2023, Vaultspeed, a Platinum Plus Sponsor of this year's WWDVC 2023, plans to showcase a breakthrough in the cloud data warehouse industry: automation of custom business logic on top of any physical data model.
VaultSpeed to Showcase Business Logic Automation At the Annual Worldwide Data Vault Consortium (WWDVC)

“We cannot think of a better event than the leading annual Data Vault conference to demonstrate how we can automate business rules on top of Data Vault,” said Piet De Windt, CEO of VaultSpeed.
VaultSpeed has been attending the WWDVC for several years and is pleased to be a Platinum Plus sponsor of this year’s event, as they have been in the past.
The WWDVC offers customers, vendors and Data Vault practitioners the chance to network with their partners and contacts, and establish new ties with peers from around the globe. It’s a valuable opportunity to discuss topics associated with accelerated development and data warehousing, and get insights into what’s coming up.
More and more businesses worldwide rely on VaultSpeed DWA to automate multi-source data integration, Data Vault modeling and ETL/DDL code generation, accelerating the build and maintenance of their cloud data warehouses.
But at VaultSpeed, the product and engineering team has worked hard to expand the scope of automation even further. VaultSpeed is now the first vendor that enables organizations to start automating their custom business logic — think of calculations such as currency conversion, lifetime value (LTV) or net-present-value (NPV) — to feed their dashboards and reports.
Automating custom logic looks like a contradiction in terms. But VaultSpeed proposes a paradigm shift: at a group or abstraction level, everything becomes a repeatable pattern.
At the 2023 WWDVC, VaultSpeed will present the enhanced VaultSpeed Template Studio module, outlining the vision behind it and showing how automating data warehouse output works in practice. They will demonstrate how data engineers get access to the VaultSpeed automation engine to code custom templates that generate the business calculations to be applied repeatedly across different reports, even if all of them contain specific information and regardless of their physical data structure.
VaultSpeed Template Studio allows data teams to create additional layers in the information marts, to apply business logic repeatedly and even interdependently, taking the next step to significantly accelerate and improve business understanding.
More information on VaultSpeed can be found at: www.vaultspeed.com.
The WWDVC Conference runs from May 1-5, 2023 at the Stoweflake Resort in Stowe, Vermont, USA, a full-service resort with amenities and access to sightseeing in the Green Mountain State. For registration and more information about the conference, see: www.wwdvc.com.