Today VaultSpeed was showcasing at the World Wide Data Vault Consortium in Hannover, Germany. Over 50 participants of the conference were able to create a data vault using our tool in a 2 hour session. In the demo, we included some new features like our new Graphical editor and also support for PIT tables.
VaultSpeed showcase hands-on demo at WWDVC Europe!
September 10th, 2019

The graphical editor enables users to implement large sources with a lot of objects in a way that keeps the entire process manageable. Participants were also able to see how our cloud solution allows you to set up a project in a matter of minutes so you can start building data vaults right away.
VaultSpeed will be at the conference the entire week. Our booth is fully equipped to give you a demo of the tool. On Thursday we will present another session that goes deeper into the advantages of using automation tools for data vault implementations on your data hub or data warehouse platform.