Microsoft Fabric

Microsoft Fabric

Microsoft Fabric gives your data teams all the tools they need in a unified experience that helps reduce the cost and effort of data integration, governance, and security.

Data Management and Integration

Microsoft Fabric streamlines the process of integrating, managing, and securing data across organizations. It leverages advanced AI to improve collaboration among data engineers, scientists, analysts, and business users. The platform enables easy consolidation of data from virtually any source into a unified, multi-cloud data lakehouse accessible to the entire organization. This approach ensures consistent data use across various analytics engines and languages, catering specifically to the needs of data professionals and business users alike, thereby fostering a more efficient and secure data landscape.

Governance and Visibility

The platform provides a comprehensive set of features that ensure end-to-end visibility and governance of data. It includes streamlined billing and integration of data from various sources into a single, unified multi-cloud data lake. Microsoft Fabric governance and compliance offers a range of capabilities to manage, protect, monitor, and improve the discoverability of your organization's sensitive information. This helps to gain and maintain customer trust, meet data governance and compliance requirements, and comply with regulations.
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Automated data integration on Microsoft Fabric

VaultSpeed Fabric Integration

The integration between Microsoft Fabric and VaultSpeed enhances data management capabilities significantly. VaultSpeed automates multi-source data integration into Microsoft Fabric, offering a streamlined process for centralizing data. It simplifies the harvesting of source metadata, the design of the integrated data, and the application of business logic across multiple domains. This collaboration facilitates the seamless transformation and integration of diverse data sources into a relational data model, optimizing data utilization within Microsoft Fabric's ecosystem.

See it in action