With release 4.1.12 and 4.1.13 we brought some interesting new features.
First of all, we included support for cross source exploration links. The main idea behind building an enterprise wide data warehouse is to be able to integrate data from multiple sources. This requirement is now delivered out of the box in VaultSpeed.
VaultSpeed already provided HUB Groups to integrate between sources at business key level. With our new Cross Source Link objects, you can create links between multiple sources. This adds an additional way to integrate and explore between sources.
In the source graphical editor an option has been added to select entities from other sources and their specific releases. By selecting and adding the object to the canvas, a relationship can be defined between objects from different sources. Notice that foreign objects will be shown in a different color and that the source name is mentioned in the object name.
Once the object and the relationship have been added, new data vault and business vault releases can be generated. The resulting relationship will add a link object between both sources.
We integrate cross source link objects at the Business Vault level. There are several reasons why this is the best place for the integration:
First of all, cross source links create dependencies between sources, we do not want inter source dependencies between sources in the raw data vault because it would complicate the loading process.
Second, we have to make sure that all the data has arrived in the raw data vault to process our cross source links. With data coming in from different sources at different times, there might be issues with “missing links”. VaultSpeed takes care of this issue.
Finally, by placing the cross source link in the business vault layer, we make it less dependent from underlying source changes. This facilitates version management and release management of these structures.
Also included in this release is a new type of delete logic, INSERT_ON_DELETE: when this parameter is enabled, deletes will insert a new record in the satellite instead of executing an update, these delete records will be end dated just like regular records. This parameter has no effect when using INSERT_ONLY_LOGIC.
We also improved performance and look and feel for the source graphical editor. The objects will now also be displayed in a tree like structure to give a better overview of the source."