Coffee Break Webinar | Is Kimball Data Modelling Dead? | VaultSpeed



Is Kimball data modelling dead?

July 19th, 2024, 10:00AM - 11:00AM ( GMT+1 )


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Webinar Is Kimball Data Modelling dead

Are you still relying on traditional data warehousing approaches, like Kimball, to manage your data? If so, it's time to rethink your strategy.

The truth is, traditional data warehousing is no longer sufficient for today's complex data landscape. With the rise of cloud computing, big data, and advanced analytics, the need for a more agile and scalable data management approach has never been more pressing.

Kimball won’t cut it anymore!

That's why we're excited to invite you to our upcoming webinar, "Is Kimball Modelling Dead?".

In this informative event with real-world examples, we'll explore the limitations of traditional data warehousing and introduce you to a fitting alternative that can solve the problems you might be having.

So come and take a coffee break with us during this joint webinar with our partner, Engaging Data.

Save the Date:

: July 19th
: 10:00 am - 11:00 am BST
: Online Webinar hosted on Microsoft Teams

Why Should You Attend?

Here's why you won't want to miss this engaging event:

  • Uncover the limitations: learn why traditional data warehousing approaches, like Kimball, are no longer sufficient.
  • Discover the future: get an inside look at the latest advancements in data management and how they can transform your organization's data operations.
  • Hands-on demo: witness a live demonstration of VaultSpeed in action, showcasing its capabilities and benefits.
  • Interactive Q&A: engage with our experts in a live Q&A session and get answers to your most pressing questions.

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Don't miss this opportunity to stay ahead of the curve and transform your data operations!

Oh, and don't forget to get ready to ask some questions during the Q&A section!

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