Hands-on demo - November 2024 - US Timezone | VaultSpeed



Hands-on demo

November 5th, 2024, 2:00PM - 4:00PM ( CST )


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Thumbnail Training6

From Zero to Data Vault in 2 hours

Automating data integration and Data Vault modeling is increasingly essential for enterprise companies.

However, most automation tools require upfront template coding to make it work for your specific data and technology stack. This can be very time-consuming.

Fortunately, VaultSpeed provides a no-code approach to integrating and modeling different data from a multitude of sources and technologies, covering 2220 combinations.

In this free hands-on training, we'll guide you through setting up fully functional automation in under 2 hours.

You’ll learn

  • how to set up automation for your specific tech stack by simply setting parameters
  • how to harvest metadata from data sources
  • how to map the Data Vault model to your unique business model
  • how to automate the generation of ETL, DDL, and workflow code

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